Lottie Support in SVGator
Please note that you are accessing the Beta version of Lottie support which is still undergoing final testing before its official release. We will continue to add improvements to the current version on a regular basis.
If you happen to come across any bugs or glitches, please don't hesitate to send us your feedback within the app or on contact@svgator.com . Your input is invaluable in helping us achieve an outstanding final product.
These features should be imported as expected in the Beta version:
- Path ✔
- Ellipse ✔
- Rectangle ✔
- Animated points ✘ (origin point differs)
- Rotation ✘
- Outer Radius ✔
- Inner Radius ✔
- Outer Roundness ✔
- Inner Roundness ✔
- Animated points ✘ (origin point differs)
- Rotation ✘
- Outer Radius ✔
- Inner Radius ✔
- Outer Roundness ✔
- Inner Roundness ✔
- Color ✔
- Opacity ✔
- Fill Rule ✘
- Radial gradient ✔
- Linear gradient ✔
- Color ✔
- Opacity ✔
- Width ✔
- Line cap ✔
- Line join ✔
- Miter limit ✔
- Dashes (dash + gap + offset) ✔
- Gradient ✔
- Trim path ✔
- Dashes + Trim (start & end animated) ✘
- Dashes + Trim (end animated) ✘
- Dashes (animated) + Trim ✔
- Dashes (animated) + Trim (animated) ✔
- Position ✔
- Position (split X/Y) ✔
- Scale ✔
- Rotation ✔
- Anchor point ✔
- Opacity ✔
- Parenting ✔
- Auto orient ✘
- Skew ✔
- Repeater (step animation) ✘
- Repeater transform ✘
- Trim path ✔
- Rounded corners ✔
- Pucker / Bloat ✘
- Twist ✘
- Merge ✘
- Offset path ✘
- Zig zag ✘
- Linear interpolation ✔
- Bezier interpolation ✔
- Hold interpolation ✔
- Spacial bezier interpolation ✔
- Rove across time ✔
- Mask path ✘
- Mask opacity ✘
- Add ✘
- Subtract ✘
- Intersect ✘
- Alpha Matte ✔
- Alpha Inverted Matte ✘
Layer effects
- Fill ✔
- Stroke ✔
- Stroke dashes ✔
- Tint ✘
- Tritone ✘
- Levels individual controls ✘
- Gaussian blur ✘
- Drop shadow ✘
Text ✔ (only on first layer)
- Precomps - general ✔
- Time stretch ✔
- Time remap ✔
- In point / Out point ✔
Images ✔
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