Add animated SVG to Squarespace

Updated on: June 15, 2020

Squarespace is a website-building platform. It's based on templates that you can customize to create your own unique, professional website.

You can add animated SVG to Squarespace if you export the SVG animation from SVGator with JavaScript as the animation type and you add the code inline to your website.

For that, you will need a new HTML block. Adding a new code block to Squarespace is a premium feature. Before trying to add an SVG animation, please make sure that you've already subscribed to one of the plans available on Squarespace's website.

These Premium features are available in Business and Commerce plans:

  • Site-wide Code Injection - Add site-wide code by injecting it in your site’s header or footer.
  • Per-page Code Injection - Add code that affects a specific page.
  • Code Block - Add code within a page’s layout. You can use JavaScript and iframes in Code Blocks on Business and Commerce plans, in addition to HTML, plain text, Markdown, and CSS.

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